LNYDP would like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience to customers affected in grandstands Piccadilly 8, Piccadilly 9, Whitehall 10, Whitehall 12 and Whitehall 13. Unfortunately, due to the severe weather during the delayed set up, a number of our grandstands got significantly damaged making them unsafe for anyone to sit on. We similarly had a reported gas leak on Whitehall grandstand 10, that British Gas and ourselves tried to rectify but frustratingly was out of our control. We truly tried everything to rectify the situation for all those affected, within the hour that we had until doors opening, but were ultimately unsuccessful and for that we cannot apologise enough. For all those affected, please rest assured that you will be receiving a FULL REFUND automatically via Ticketmaster and please do accept our deepest apologise once more. Many thanks in advance for your patience, understanding and support and we hope to welcome you all back to the Parade in future years and hopefully in better weather. Cheers, Joe Bone (Executive Director of LNYDP).